Deaths during 2017/2018
We have been advised by Pensions Services of the following deaths during 2017/2018:
Neil Ramsey | 20/02/17 |
Trevor Hatt | 18/03/17 |
Terence Learney | 26/04/17 |
Rita Wright | 26/04/17 |
John Drummond | 27/04/17 |
Carol Cruttenden | 12/05/17 |
James (Jim) Thow | 28/05/17 |
Laurie Norman | 27/06/17 |
Michael (Mike) Foster | 28/06/17 |
Derek Gange | 15/07/17 |
Brian Fenton | 16/07/17 |
Michael Carter | 20/07/17 |
Paul Clayson | 08/08/17 |
Robert (Bob) Elliot | 11/08/17 |
Peter Coe | 15/09/17 |
Rosalind Donogue | 09/10/17 |
Janet Ward | 19/10/17 |
Kathleen Greenway | 04/11/17 |
Ann Borghgraef | 12/11/17 |
George Michael Trees | 21/11/17 |
Trevor Hewitt | 27/11/17 |
Graham Pursey | 08/12/17 |
Michael Jeffery | 14/12/17 |
Alan Hibberd | 20/12/17 |
Barbara Ayling | 23/12/17 |
John Dennis | 10/01/18 |
David Vinnell | 06/02/18 |
Anthony (Tony) Compton | 11/02/18 |
Kenneth Brooks | 19/02/18 |
Edward (Richard) Long-Fox | 23/02/18 |
(Please note that IBM Pensions are now handled by XPS Pensions group:)
In the event of the death of a Retiree Club member,
the family should contact the IBM Plans, XPS Pensions Group by telephone on: 0118 214 3056,
by email to:
XPSadmin.IBM@xpsgroup.com or by letter to:
IBM Plans, XPS Pensions Group
Office 48, Pure Offices
One Port Way
Port Solent
Hampshire, PO6 4TY