Invitation to New Retirees
The Hursley IBM Retirees Club is open to all former IBMers who are interested in attending events in the Hursley area.
You don't have to have retired from Hursley, nor to be drawing your IBM pension.
We organize coach trips from Hursley to various heritage and entertainment venues, plus drive-yourself trips to more local events.
Examples in the year to February 2025 included:
- Two visits to Salisbury theatre
- Coach trip to see the Christmas lights in London
- Coach trip to Abbotsbury Swannery and Gardens
- Visits to Winchester College and Romsey Abbey
- Zoom and live talks on aeronautical subjects.
We are keen to increase membership so we can fill coaches to more venues, such as gardens, museums and National Trust properties.
If you would like to join, simply send an email to
please email
- Your name and preferred email address
- Your IBM personnel number
- A formal statement that you consent for the Club to retain the information above
We would also be interested to know where in IBM you worked.
You will then be added to the mailing list to receive details of upcoming events.
We look forward to welcoming you at future events
Eric Bodger, Chair
Membership of the Club
Thank you to the 429 people who responded to our request for explicit consent
to remain in the Club after it become independent of IBM on 1st October 2022.
If you are not already registered and wish to attend future events,
please email
with your Personnel number, to say that you consent to our holding the personal information needed to have you as a member
of the Club and entitled to go on trips.
We need this because IBM's GDPR registration will no longer apply.
We are unable to send trip invitations to anyone who has not consented to be a member of the club.
Hursley IBM Retirees’ Club AGM, Thursday 6th March 2025 at 3pm
The agenda for this meeting, is available
The Minutes of the 2024 AGM, are available
Approval of these minutes will be sought at the 2025 AGM.
Hursley Sports and Social Club Membership
As from January 2024, there is an annual fee of £60
(plus £10 for family membership) for all members including retirees
to renew their membership of the Hursley Sports and Social Club.
This allows full use of the club facilities and the bar
(and now confers voting rights at their AGM).
Membership also entitles you to a 20% discount on food and drink purchases at the bar
Application forms are available from the Club Office.
Retiree Information
To ensure continuity of receipt of trip information, please remember to advise
of any change in your email address.